The District is providing the following list to allow applicants and plan preparers to track the status of
their pending plan/permit review(s). This list is updated once weekly and posted on our website by the close
of business each Monday (or Tuesday when a county holiday occurs on a Monday).
Plans/permit applications are reviewed as they are submitted on a first come, first serve basis per
District technician assigned to the municipality in which the project is located in. The following exceptions
may be expedited:
Applicants and plan preparers calling the District to inquire about the status of their plan/permit application(s) will be referred to this list and will not be forwarded to the reviewing technician. Voice mails and emails to the reviewing technician inquiring about the plan/permit application status will not be returned. The District is trying this approach in order to manage our growing workload and to avoid the technical staff time and resources spent returning repeated emails and phone calls which too often significantly interfere with our ability to conduct timely reviews of your plan and permit applications. Please also understand that our District technicians must balance plan/permit application reviews with conducting site inspections, complaint investigations, and other field-related meetings. Factors beyond our control such as prolonged wet weather conditions, severe storm events, and non-compliant sites under construction can and will delay our ability to review plan/permit applications.
This list will confirm that your plan/permit application has been received by the District. If you believe that your plan has been submitted to the District but does not appear on the following list please first contact your plan preparer and confirm that he/she has submitted your plan/permit application along with a complete Application and Fee for District Services. If your plan/permit application was placed on the list and then removed the review was completed and has not yet been re-submitted. You should be receiving or have received an incompleteness, technical deficiency, or approval letter or email from the District. If after a few days you do not receive a letter or email please feel free to contact our administrative staff at Ph. 717-840-7430. If you have any questions after receiving an incompleteness or technical deficiency letter or email and wish to meet with the reviewing technician please feel free to call or email our office to schedule a time to meet. Thank you for your patience and understanding!